New Sleep Apnea Patient Information Greensboro
Welcoming All New Patients to Our Office

Is it almost time for your appointment here in our Greensboro sleep office? We’re looking forward to seeing you and working closely with you to bring your sleep apnea symptoms under control and ensure that moving forward, consistently great sleep comes easily! To help ensure a smooth first appointment here at SleepMed Solutions, we ask that you review the information listed below. If there’s anything on your mind, don’t hesitate to contact our office before your visit.
Patient Forms

To ensure that things move smoothly on the day of your first appointment, we request you please fill out your new patient paperwork before arriving at our office. You can quickly download and complete these forms online by clicking the button below, or if you’d prefer, we’ll send them via text or email. Having this information before your appointment helps us enter you into our system quickly and square away a few other small details, so we can then spend more of your valuable time addressing your sleeping disorder.
We Take Medical Insurance

Here at SleepMed Solutions, you should know that we’ll always be completely transparent about every aspect of your treatment, including the financial implications. All sleep apnea services here at our Greensboro office are provided under medical insurance, and we are proudly in-network with the majority of medical insurance providers. Please let us know if you have any questions about your policy’s coverage or any other particular details.
CareCredit Financing

Lacking medical insurance shouldn’t serve as a roadblock that prevents you from accessing life-changing sleep apnea treatment. Our office is partnered with CareCredit, a third-party financer that offers short-term financing options for patients in need of a sleep apnea solution that fits their budget. These plans have low-to-no interest rates and flexible payment windows, so if you’re worried about the financial side of things, don’t fret! You’re also welcome to contact us for additional details.