Combined Sleep Apnea Treatment Greensboro
Combining Treatments for an Effective Sleep Apnea Solution

When it comes to sleep apnea, there’s no “magic treatment” that works perfectly for every patient – everyone is different and experiences varying sleep apnea symptoms and impaired rest. That’s why there are multiple methods of addressing sleep apnea symptoms, and sometimes, these solutions can even be combined to enhance their performance. To learn more about these combined sleep apnea treatments in Greensboro or to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact our team at SleepMed Solutions today.
Why Choose SleepMed Solutions for Combined Sleep Apnea Treatment?
What Is Combined Sleep Apnea Treatment?

As effective as CPAP and oral appliance therapies can be on their own, some patients greatly benefit from the combination of these two treatments. Combining them is fairly simple; a patient wears a custom oral appliance to bed while also wearing the CPAP nasal mask over their nose and mouth. The oral appliance can work to pull the lower jaw and neck tissues forward, while the constant airflow coming from the CPAP ensures that the patient is able to breathe easily throughout the night.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Combined Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Many patients end up being excellent candidates for combined sleep apnea treatment, but you’ll need to attend a consultation with us to know for certain if it could benefit you. Here are a few scenarios that usually warrant combined sleep apnea treatment:
- A patient is still experiencing sleep apnea symptoms following corrective surgery.
- A patient has moderate to severe OSA and doesn’t qualify for oral appliance treatment alone.
- A patient is unable to comfortably wear their CPAP equipment throughout the night.
A patient is showing symptoms of both sleep apnea and bruxism, which is a condition that causes them to grind their teeth and clench their jaws, which in turn can trigger issues with the teeth, facial muscles, and jaw joints.
Benefits of Combined Sleep Apnea Treatment

Combined sleep apnea treatment comes with many life-changing benefits, including:
- Increased Comfort – Most of the complaints about CPAP machines concern the mask’s discomfort while being worn over the nose and mouth. However, when it comes to combined therapy, the CPAP mask only covers the patient’s nose since an oral appliance must be worn in the mouth. This means the mask is much easier to handle and wear – plus the machine tends to be quieter too, since the settings often need to be turned down slightly when an oral appliance is introduced.
- Better Treatment Compliance – Since the mask itself is easier to wear and the CPAP isn’t quite as loud or involved, patients are usually much better at following instructions and wearing their equipment as intended.
- Improved Efficacy – Research from the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine suggests that taking advantage of both oral appliance and CPAP therapy leads to significantly fewer apnea events every hour, which is something all sleep apnea sufferers can rejoice about!